MCQ Questions For Class 8 Science With Best Pdfs 2021-2022

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Hello Students Today We are Giving You Best Ever MCQs For Class 8 Science. As we All know that MCQs section Is Very important For the Students. So We are Providing You MCQs Of 8th Science.

Mcqs for 8th Science
8th Science MCQs

Syllabus Covered In 8th Science CBSE

S.NoChapter NameSyllabus Covered
1Crop Production And ManagementAgriculture Practice.
Basic Practices Of Crop Productions.
Preparation Of Soil
Adding Manure And Fertilizers.
Protection From Weeds.
Food From Animals.
2Microorganisms: Friends and FoeMicroorganisms
Where do Microorganisms Live?
Microorganisms And Us
Harmful Microorganisms
Food Preservation.
Nitrogen Fixation.
Nitrogen Cycle
3Synthetic Fibres And PlasticsWhat are Synthetic Fibres?
Types of Synthetic Fibres.
Characteristics of Synthetic Fibres.
Plastics as Material Of Choice.
Plastics and the Environment.
4Materials- Metal And Non MetalsPhysical Properties Of Metals and Non Metals
Chemical Properties of Metals and Non Metals.
Uses of Metals and Non Metals.
5Coal And PetroleumCoal.
Natural Gas.
Some Natural Resources are Limited.
6Combustion And FlameWhat is Combustion?
How do you Control Fire?
Types of Combustion.
Structure of a Flame.
What is Fuel?
Fuel Efficiency
7Conservation Of Plants And AnimalsDeforestation and it’s causes.
Consequences of Deforestation.
Conservation of Forest and Wildlife.
Biosphere Reserve
Floura and Fauna.
Endemic Species.
Wildlife Santuary.
National Park.
Red Data Book.
Recycling of Paper.
8Cell : Structure And FunctionsDiscovery of Cell.
The Cell.
Organisms show variety in Cell number, Shape and Size.
Cell structure and function.
Parts of the Cell.
Comparison of Plants and Animals Cells.

9Reproduction In AnimalsMode Of Reproduction.
Sexual Reproduction.
Asexual Reproduction.
10Reaching The Age Of AdolescenceAdolescence and Puberty.
Change in Puberty.
Secondary Sexual Characters.
Role of Hormones in Initiating Reproductive Function.
How is the Sex of the baby determined?
How other than Sex Hormones.
Role of Hormones in Completing the Life History of Insect and Frogs.
Reproductive Health.
11Force And PressureForce: A Push or a Pull
Force are due to an Interaction.
Exploring Forces.
A Force can Change the State of Motion.
Force can change the Shape of an object.
Contact Forces.
Non- Contact Forces.
Pressure Exerted by Liquids and Gases.
Atmospheric Pressure.

12FrictionForce of Friction.
Factor Affecting Friction.
Friction: A Neccesary Evil.
Increasing and Reducing Friction.
Wheels Reduce Friction.
Fluid Friction.
13SoundSound is Produby Vibrating Bodies.
Sound produced by humans.
Sound Needs a Medium for Propagation.
We hear Sound through our ears.
Attitude, Time Period and Frequency of a vibration.
Audible and Inaudible Sounds.
Noise and Music.
Noise Pollution.
14Chemical Effects Of Electric CurrentDo Liquids Conduct Electricity?
Chemical Effects Of Electric Current.
15Some Natural PhenomenonLightning.
Charging by Rubbing.
Types of Charge and their Interaction.
Transfer of Charge.
The story of lightning.
Lightning Safety.
16LightWhat makes Thing ls Visible.
Laws Of Reflection.
Regular and Diffused Reflection.
Reflected Light Can Be Reflected.
Multiple Images.
Sunlight- White or Coloured.
What is inside our eyes?
Care of the Eyes.
Visually Impaired Persons Can Read and Write.
What is Braille System?
17Stars And Solar SystemThe Moon
The Stars.
The Solar System.
Some other members of the Solar System.
18Pollution Of Air And WaterAir Po
How does Air get Polluted?
Case Study- Taj Mehal
Greenhouse Effects.
What can be done?
Water Pollution.
How does water get polluted?
What is Portable Water?
How is water Purified?

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MCQ Questions For Class 8 Science

S.NoChapter NameDownload Here
1Crop Production And ManagementClick Here To Download
2Microorganisms Friends And FoeClick Here To Download
3Synthetic Fibre And PlasticsClick Here To Download
4Materials Metal And Non MetalsClick Here To Download
5Coal And PetroleumClick Here To Download
6Combustion And FlameClick Here To Download
7Conservation Of Plants And AnimalsClick Here To Download
8Cell Structure And FunctionClick Here To Download
9Reproduction In AnimalsClick Here To Download
10Reaching The Age Of AdolescenceClick Here To Download
11Force And PressureClick Here To Download
12FrictionClick Here To Download
13SoundClick Here To Download
14Chemical Effects Of Electric CurrentClick Here To Download
15Some Natural PhenomenonClick Here To Download
16LightClick Here To Download
17Stars And The Solar SystemClick Here To Download
18Pollution Of Air And WaterClick Here To Download

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